Mat Fees
Mat fees are required to be paid as direct debit. We understand that people cannot always commit to this arrangement, but payment for individual mat fees (pay per session) will be charged a higher rate. The fees are as follows:
Individual under 16 (Per month)
Unlimited sessions per month £50
1 session per week £25 per month
(If you do not pay direct debit, it will be £7 a session per child)
Over 16's (Per month)
Unlimited sessions £60 per month
1 session per week £35 per month
(If you do not pay direct debit it will be £8 a session)
Family Discount
Unlimited sessions a month for 2 family members is £75 per month
Family fee: £100 a month for up to 4 family members
Family discount only works if you pay direct debit otherwise, it is per child per session and will work out more expensive for you.
For information about direct debit information, please contact Shelley at the desk.
If you cancel your direct debit without any notice, you could surrender your place on the mat.
Membership Fees
The club membership is an annual payment made to the club. It is used for overhead costs of rental of property, grading and competitions. This means a coach from the club will be present at major events and competitions. Memberships, like all other sports clubs, is a registration and affiliation fee. Judo is one of the cheaper options compared to other sports clubs!
Under 16's: £35 per year
Over 16's: £45 per year
The membership is due every January and will be pro-rated if you join part way through the year.
British Judo Association Membership
BJA is a completely separate arrangement, that is required by the governing body (this money does not go to the club). It provides public liability and personal injury insurance, a recognised grading system and competition opportunities. That means, without a BJA license, an athlete cannot compete.